About Us
Rick Kleffel reports on literature, technology and whatever he can talk his editor into for National Public Radio. He hosts an hour of literary and theatrical talk Sundays at 6 PM Pacific Time on NPR Affiliate KUSP, 88.9 FM for the California Central Coast, and online at http://kusp.org/live. He rarely sleeps and sometimes plays electronic music.
Mario Guslandi lives in Milan, Italy. Most likely the only Italian who regularly reads (and reviews) dark fiction in English, he has written reviews for a number of genre websites, such as Emerald City, Infinity Plus, The Alien Online, The SF Site and Horrorworld. He' s especially devoted to supernatural and horror collections/ anthologies of short stories.
Dustin Kenall is a lawyer working and blogging in DC. Accordingly, if at any given moment he's not reading or writing, it's probably because he's unconscious. His blog, readslikealawyer.blogspot.com, is always wide-awake, though. It runs on the principle that there are no bad genres, only bad books. To avoid the later, try his reviews there, at The Agony Column, or at sfsite.com.
Terry D'Auray recently relocated to Boulder, CO in anticipation of using "snowed in" as an excuse to read all day in jammies. Contemporary crime fiction and suspense genres, with an occasional foray into mainstream fiction. She has been an avid reader of mysteries for years. Beginning with Nancy Drew, progressing through the cozies of Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers, to the hardboiled classics of Chandler and Hammett she now focuses on contemporary writers like Lehane, Connelly, Crais, and Pelecanos.
She started collecting first edition books when someone offered to pay her more for a used book than she paid for it new. And, although she loves cats, and has two herself, she adamantly believes they have no place in mystery stories.
An east coast native currently residing in Monterey, California, Kathryn Petruccelli holds an MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
She has a strong penchant for poetry, but is also in awe of short story writers and a sucker for a really good essay. Not enough time to play the long odds with novels, she usually bets on folks such as Morrison, Tan, and Kingsolver. Various kinds of exile and borderlands intrigue her. A political bent causes her lean in even closer.
Kathryn's poetry and interviews have appeared in The Anthology of Monterey Bay Poets, The Homestead Review, www.literarymama.com,www.mamazine.com, and others. She records her prose-y thoughts on mothering in a less than perfect world at www.fetalpositions.blogspot.com.